Calendar 2020

Calendar 2020

  • January 6/10 workshop of technique and Repertory by university ESMD of Lille
  • February 28 performance “Tracce” at the prison of Lecce, with guests artists and prisonniers
  • March 2/16 Ballett Master by Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch Company in Wuppertal
  • April 5 performance “Visions” at Teatro lido di Ostia – Rome
  • April 9-12 workshop of technique and lab by Danssabeel in Cairo Egipt
  • April 23 performance “Visuons” by Teatro Rossini Gioia del Colle -Bari
  • April 24 Organization of Nelken Line for the Dub festival Bari
  • May 6/9 workshop – lab at Liceo Coreutico Mantova
  • May 14 performance “Tracce” at the prison of Lecce with guests artists and prisonniers
  • May 25/29 workshop – lab by Libero Corpo Bisceglie- Bari
  • July 1/3 performance “MadRome” at Accademia Nazionale di Danza Roma with students
  • July 9/11 workshop of technique by Liceo coreutico Verona summer campus
  • August 24/28 workshop of technique and lab by Alvin Ailey Dance School of New York
  • August 31st performance “Museum Project” , Koreoproject Productions in Barletta (GOS)
  • September 1/6 organization of Unitanz contemporary dance campus in Lecce
  • September 8th Uni-Tanz final online meeting from Koreoproject Facebook with all  participants and guest artists
  • September 11th performance “ Piaf et Marlene”,  Koreoproject productions at Museo Castromediano Lecce
  • September 14th to 30s Contemporary dance Workshop at the National Academy of Dance of Athens
  • October 16th to 19th Dance workshop at the master of National Academy of Dance “Madis” in Cagliari
  • November 16th to 21st contemporary dance workshop at the National Academy of Dance of Athens
  • November 30/ December 13 Ballet Master for the company TANZTHEATER WUPPERTAL PINA BAUSCH in Wuppertal and in Ludwigshafen, Germany