Calendar 2018

Calendar 2018

  • Genuary 15-28 Ballet Master TANZTHEATER WUPPERTAL- PINA BAUSCH Wuppertal
  • February 1-2-3 Limon Technique workshop at  KIM KAN School Paris
  • February 3 Performance of “Nous Deux” at Kim Kan School Paris
  • March 11 Performance of Koreoproject “Piaf et Marlène” at TEATRO DEI LIMONI Foggia
  • May 17 Workshop at MP3 Dance and Events Rome
  • June 1-2 Trisha Brawn Repertory Workshop organized by Koreoproject in Bari-Italy
  • July 1-7 Technique classes at summer campus LA LUNA DANCE CENTER Ancona
  • August 27 – September 8 Uni-Tanz lecce 2018 – VI edition – Contemporary dance campus organized by Koreoproject
  • September 9 performance UNI-TANZ lecce DANCE EVENING-GUESTS Paisiello Theater LECCE organized by Koreoproject
  • September 27-28 Performance LA STRADA in the jail of Lecce, Koreoproject productions
  • October 1-13 Ballet Master for TANZTHEATER WUPPERTAL-PINA BAUSCH in Tel Aviv and Wuppertal