Calendar 2017

Calendar 2017

  • Genuary 13-14-15, Limon Technique workshop Studio Danza II Palermo
  • Genuary 16-28, Contemporary dance workshop Center Spazio Scenastudio, Lecce
  • Genuary 24 and 31, Technique classes for Master LIBERO CORPO
  • Genuary 28-29, Contemporary dance workshop Center ARTE IN MOVIMENTO
  • February 1, Dance contemporary workshop at Prospettiva danza, Manduria-TA
  • February 7 and 28, Technique classes for Master LIBERO CORPO
  • February 16-26, Ballet Master for TANZTHEATER WUPPERTAL- PINA BAUSCH in Wuppertal, for pièces Cafè Muller/ Sacre
  • Genuary 24 and 31, February 7 and 28, Technique classes for Master LIBERO CORPO
  • March 8, Performance for Premio 6DONNA Umberto Giordano Theater Foggia
  • March 13 – 25, Dance contemporary workshop at Centro Oltrecorpo Danza
  • March 27, Limon technique class at Liceo Coreutico Giannelli (Le)
  • April 1-2, Contemporary dance workshop IL SOLE E LA LUNA, Rome
  • April 4- 13, Ballet Master for TANZTHEATER WUPPERTAL – PINA BAUSCH in Wuppertal
  • April 4 – June 30, Guest Choreographer for TANZABEND Folkwang Universitet der Kunste Essen
  • May 7-14 , Il parco della Danza, Parco Belloluogo – Lecce
  • May 8, Na Die Ander Galleria Teatro Toledo Napoli
  • May 12, Performance of Koreorpoject at PUMPENHAUS MUNSTER, Germany
  • May 27 Beckum, Performance “Schluss mit süß”- Cooperation between Joachim Goldschmidt and Giorgia Maddamma
  • June 16 Tecklenburg, performance “Schluss mit süß” – Cooperation between Joachim Goldschmidt and Giorgia Maddamma
  • July 6-7-8 Performances of Koreoproject “Casa nostra”, in Lecce jail. Artistic direction Philippe Talard
  • July 8 Nordhausen, Performance “Schluss mit süß” – Cooperation between Joachim Goldschmidt and Giorgia Maddamma
  • July 10-15, Contemporary dance classes for Summer Campus LA LUNA DANCE CENTER Ancona
  • July 14-15 Performances of Koreoproject “Casa nostra” in Anfiteatro Romano Lecce. Artistic direction Philippe Talard
  • August 24-27, Technique classes for the summer campus of Royal Ballet School of Antwerp – Belgium
  • August 28 – September 9, UNITANZ lecce 2017, V edition of the Contemporary dance campus organized by Koreoproject
  • September 2, performance UNITANZ DANCE EVENING – GUESTS, Teatro Romano Lecce
  • September 9, performance UNITANZ DANCE EVENING – GUESTS, Cantieri Teatrali Koreja
  • September 11-October 31, Guest professor for Modern Dance, Repertoire, Pedaghogy, Choreography at CSDM Conservatorio Superior de Danza en Madrid
  • November 2017 till now Professor for Contemporary Dance at Accademia Nazionale di Danza Roma
  • December 16-17 Contemporary Dance Workshop at Center ARTE IN MOVIMENTO Bari
  • December 22 Performance of Koreoproject Company at Galleria Mazzini Lecce